Samurai Shodown

Where: Hammer Creative
Role: Art Director

Draw your blade. Embrace death.

SNK tapped Hammer Creative to create a brand look for their newest entry into the classic Samurai Shodown franchise. As the art director of this campaign, my goal was to design an aesthetic that could be owned through multiple cohesive assets including a launch trailer, a teaser and a full social campaign.

What sets Samurai Shodown apart from the crowd in a sea of fighting games is its unique style. A true blend of modern and old, of eastern and western, Samurai Shodown features a hyper-stylized look that feels truly unique. Using this as an inspirational north star, I designed a look that aimed to feel bold, powerful and irreverently fun.

One of my favorite things about this project was in the beginning phase, really going through a discovery phase of exploring bold typography and vibrant palettes. As we continued development, the overall design slimmed down to become razor focused and really reflect core elements of the game philosophy. However, I will always have a soft spot for the work our team did on the early rounds of design as they really paved the way for the final campaign look.


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